FICO scores are calculated to determine one's creditworthiness. A good FICO score would ascertain one's capacity to pay for credits or loans for a particular period and would establish one's creditworthiness. Good FICO scores range from 660 to 850; the higher one's FICO score is, the more creditworthy s/he is.
When one has a good FICO score, the best perk that one can get out of it is that s/he can get loans or credits faster. Due to the power of the internet, good FICO scores may be delivered at high speeds directly to finance institutions to enable these firms to speed up their decisions on loan approvals. Good FICO scores are also invaluable in fair credit decisions which focus on the information related to credit risks rather than personal factors. Although credit reporting agencies strongly attest that credit scores are not affected by factors such as gender, race, marital status or religion, there are a number of people who disagree which is why good FICO scores are highly regarded, since having a good standing may obliterate the effects of personal factors. Further, good FICO scores would ensure more available credit to consumers since these ratings provide precise information which finance firms may use to approve loans and credit. Good FICO scores are also predictive in nature since they can be used to predict the person's ability to manage his/her credits in the near future. Since good FICO scores may obtain additional credit and loans, an individual having a good FICO score decreases credit costs for borrowers. Lower costs and increased efficiency in the credit granting process amassed by finance firms have been passed onto creditors which makes credit costs lower.
Good FICO scores are possible despite having poor credit performance in the past. Poor FICO scores only provide a limited picture of the risks which the individual had in the past which s/he was able to overcome to come up with a good FICO score and will not haunt him/her forever.
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